Tonic Solfa of You Are God By Nathaniel Bassey

Tonic Solfa of You Are God By Nathaniel Bassey

You are God        Nathaniel Bassey

Key: C

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s f m l     d d          

d r m       r  d

Chorus Melody Solo

s s d        d r m s d t l

 f f f f m r d              d d d t l d

Chorus Melody Solo Freestyle  // Intro Again  // Verse Melody Solo (Male)

m f s d f m r d l

s s s s f m m r

m f s s s d f m r d l

f m r d s  s m r d d

Chorus Harmony Swap (Melody on Alto)

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Lyrics of You Are God By Nathaniel Bassey

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You are God from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument
You are God all by yourself
You are God from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

Uh uh uh uh oh yeah
You’ve got times and seasons in your hands
You called for light out of darkness
You don’t need a man to be the God you are
But you have chosen to call me your own

Oh you are you are God from beginning to the end to the end
There’s no place for argument
Oh you are God all by yourself
You are God from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

You’ve got times and seasons in your hands oh oh oh oh oh
You called for light out of darkness
You don’t need a man to be the God you are you need no other man
But in your mercy in your mercy you’ve called us your own eh eh

You are God you are God from beginning to the end hallelujah
There’s no place for argument oh
You are God all by yourself

Jesus you are God you are God you’re the Elshaddai the Elohi the alpha and omega from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

You are God you are God from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument death could not hold you in the grave
You are God all by yourself

Jehovah Shamma Jehovah Nissi you are God you are God all by yourself you’re the ancient of days from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

You are God from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

You are God from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument
You are God all by yourself
You are God from beginning to the end
There’s no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

Author: ScoresByKayo
I help you Score Choir Parts of Latest Gospel Songs with Tonic Solfa Notation. I break it down into Melody, Unison, Harmony and Swap. Look around to Download PDF, watch videos, request Choir Parts and you may even decide to buy me Shawarma shebi ayaf done so much for you this year?

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