Choir Parts Tonic Solfa of Nathaniel Bassey So Good

Tonic Solfa of So Good by Nathaniel Bassey



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Intro // Male // Female // Chorus > Male // Female // Duet // Intro Again //

Verse Unison:  dddd ddd rmm  dddd  drmm  mrrdd  dddmm

Half Verse Swap:

Sop: mmmmmmmfss  mmmmmmmfss   sssff     ssssdd

Alt:  dddddddrmm       dddddddrmm       mrrdd   ddddss

Ten:  sssssssldd              sssssssldd              dltatal dddmm

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Lyrics of Thank you for being God by Nathaniel Bassey

In you I Live and Move
And have my Being
You’re my Life, my Joy and Peace
You have been so God
You have been so Kind
You’re the Reason
I can Lift my Hands
My Glory and the Lifter of my Head
I will Testify for Eternity

Your Goodness, Your Goodness
Is Over me
Your Mercy, Your Mercy
You gave to me
When you Shed your Blood
On the Cross
Your Goodness, Your Goodness
Is Over me
Your Mercy, Your Mercy
You gave to me
Hallelujah, you have been So Good
Hallelujah, you have been So Good

In you I Live and Move
And have my Being
You’re my Life, my Joy and Peace
You have been so God
You have been so Kind
You’re the Reason
I can Lift my Hands
My Glory and the Lifter of my Head
I will Testify for Eternity

Your Goodness
Your Goodness Is Over me
Forgiveness, Forgiveness
You gave to me
When you Shed your Blood
On the Cross

Your Goodness, Your Goodness
Is Over me
Your Mercy, Your Mercy
You gave to me
Hallelujah, you have been So Good
Hallelujah, you have been So Good

Your Goodness
Your Goodness Is Over me
Forgiveness, Forgiveness
You gave to me
When you Shed your Blood
On the Cross

Your Goodness, Your Goodness
Is Over me
Your Mercy, Your Mercy
You gave to me
Hallelujah, you have been So Good
Hallelujah, you have been So Good

You are Good
And your Mercy Endures
Forever and ever and ever
Let your People Rejoice and be Glad
Let them Rejoice in their King

You have been So Good
You have been So Good
You have been So Good
You have been So Good
You’re So Good
You are So Good O
Jesus You’re So Good O
You’re So Good
You have been So Good
You have been So Good
{ Hallelujah
You have been So Good
You have been So Good
You have been So Good
You have been So Good }

Author: ScoresByKayo
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