Author: ScoresByKayo

I help you Score Choir Parts of Latest Gospel Songs with Tonic Solfa Notation. I break it down into Melody, Unison, Harmony and Swap. Look around to Download PDF, watch videos, request Choir Parts and you may even decide to buy me Shawarma shebi ayaf done so much for you this year?
Tonic Solfa of Who has the Final Say Nigerian Song
Tonic Solfa of What a Friend We have in Jesus Hymn
Tonic Solfa of Trust and Obey Hymn
Tonic Solfa of There Shall be Showers of Blessings Hymn
Tonic Solfa of Take My Life and Let It Be Hymn
Tonic Solfa of Rock of Ages Hymn
Tonic Solfa of Nipa Ife Olugbala Yoruba Hymn
Tonc Solfa of Nearer My God to Thee Hymn
Tonic Solfa Notation for all Latest Gospel Songs
Tonic Solfa of We Wish You a Merry Christmas Carol