Author: ScoresByKayo

I help you Score Choir Parts of Latest Gospel Songs with Tonic Solfa Notation. I break it down into Melody, Unison, Harmony and Swap. Look around to Download PDF, watch videos, request Choir Parts and you may even decide to buy me Shawarma shebi ayaf done so much for you this year?
Tonic Solfa of I must tell Jesus Hymn
Tonic Solfa of How Great Thou Art Hymn
Tonic Solfa of How Excellent is your loving kindness Hymn
Tonic Solfa of Holy Holy Holy Hymn
Tonic Solfa of Glory be to God in the highest Nigerian Song
Tonic Solfa of God whose name is Love Hymn
Tonic Solfa of Jingle Bell Christmas Carol
Tonic Solfa of In Christ Alone Hymn
Tonic Solfa of Ijinle ninu Ijinle Nigerian Song
Tonic Solfa of I just want to say Nigerian Song